6.2.2 Symbology data filter

Set the barcode data pattern to be read by the app. Only the barcode of the set symbol / data pattern is read, and reading errors and unnecessary barcode reading can be avoided.

Pattern match code(right), unmatch code(left)

First, open the app’s settings screen. In the tab at the top of the app, select
“Settings” to display the settings screen.

“Settings” screen

Then click Data Filter in the Symbol section of the Settings screen to display the “Symbology Data Filter” screen.

Symbology Data Filter screen

To register new, at the top of the screen click the
“New” button.

To edit an existing setting, click the setting you want to edit on the list screen to display the action menu, and then click Edit.

Action menu of Symbology Data Filter

Set the symbol and data pattern on the “Symbology Data Filter Editor” window.

Symbology Data Filter Editor

Specify the barcode symbol.

Pattern(Regular Expression):
Specify the data pattern of the barcode data with a regular expression.
Press each button to the right of “Templates:” to insert the pattern template into the editor box.

Number value only: ^ [0-9] {8} $
Alphanumeric characters only: ^ [0-9a-zA-Z] {8} $
Number of characters: ^. {8} $
*In the case of 8 characters

Regular expressions other than the above templates can be specified for the pattern.
ex) ^4[59][0-9]{11}$:JAN(13digits)

Press the OK button to save the settings.

To enable symbol settings, turn on (toggle switch) on the Symbol Settings screen.

To clear the Symbology setting, select Erase from the action menu.

To clear all settings, on the SendKeys screen, click the “More” button in the upper right to display the menu.

Action menu on the “Symbology Data Filter” screen

Select Clear All from the action menu.