6.3.2 SendKeys

Manages Sendkeys settings.

First, open the app’s settings screen. In the tab at the top of the app, select
“Settings” to display the settings screen.

“Settings” screen

Then, click “Keyboard” in the “Data Transfer” section of the settings screen.

Keyboard settings screen

To register new, at the top of the screen click the
“New” button.

To edit an existing setting, click the setting you want to edit on the list screen to display the action menu, and then click Edit.

Action menu of Keyboard setting

Set the keyboard operation to be sent on the “Keyboard Editor” window.

Keyboard Editor

When you press each button to the right of “Add Key:”, the code that specifies the keyboard operation to send is inserted in the editor box.

Keyboard Editor

Code that specifies keyboard operation
Barcode Data:{Barcode_Data}
Enter key:{Enter}
Tab key:{Tab}

*Specifying the number of characters in barcode data
Barcode data can be sent in whole or in part. The setting example is as follows.

{Barcode_Data}:Send all data.
{Barcode_Data 0:5}:The first 5 characters of the data will be sent.
{Barcode_Data 3:5}:Skip the first 3 characters of the data and send 5 characters from the 4th character.
{Barcode_Data 5:0}:Skip the first 5 characters of the data and send from the 6th character to the end.

When you have finished editing, press the OK button to save your settings.

To clear the Sendkeys settings, select Erase from the action menu.

To clear all settings, on the SendKeys screen, click the “More” button in the upper right to display the menu.

Select Clear All from the action menu.

Intercharacter Delay Setting

To set the delay between characters, on the SendKeys screen, click the “More” button in the upper right to display the menu.

Action menu

Select Intercharacter Delay from the action menu.

On the Intercharacter Delay screen、specifies the delay time in milliseconds (0 to 500).

Intercharacter Delay screen

Press the OK button to save the settings.

*When setting smaller than the default value (100ms), make sure that the destination application can receive the barcode data correctly.