5.6 Add a description to a barcode

You can add a description to a QR Code read (or created) in the app. There are two ways to add description:

Add a description in the Barcode Details screen

Open the Barcode Details screen. (See 5.3 QR Code properties and attributes)

“Barcode Details” page

Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find the Description section.
Click the icon to the right of the Notes section.

Description section

The Description window is displayed, so enter the note and save it.

Description window

You’re now seeing what you’re typing in the Description section. You can edit notes in the same way.

Appears in the Description section

Add a description from the context menu

On the History screen, open the context menu for the QR Code you want to add a description. (See 5.2 Context menu)

Context menu on the History screen

To add a description, on the context menu, click “Add (Edit) memo”.

The Description window is displayed, so enter the note and save it.

Description window