{"id":1527,"date":"2021-09-01T11:19:32","date_gmt":"2021-09-01T02:19:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/barcodemanager.azurewebsites.net\/?page_id=1527"},"modified":"2022-07-13T16:51:15","modified_gmt":"2022-07-13T07:51:15","slug":"6-2-2","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/barcodemanager.azurewebsites.net\/en\/business\/docs\/6-2-2\/","title":{"rendered":"6.2.2 Symbology data filter"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Set the barcode data pattern to be read by the app. Only the barcode of the set symbol \/ data pattern is read, and reading errors and unnecessary barcode reading can be avoided.<\/p>\n\n\n

Pattern match code(right), unmatch code(left)<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n

First, open the app’s settings screen. In the tab at the top of the app, select
\"\"“Settings” to display the settings screen. <\/p>\n\n\n

“Settings” screen<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n

Then click Data Filter<\/strong> in the Symbol<\/strong> section of the Settings screen to display the “Symbology Data Filter” screen. <\/p>\n\n\n

Symbology Data Filter screen<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n

To register new, at the top of the screen click the
\"\" “New” button.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To edit an existing setting, click the setting you want to edit on the list screen to display the action menu, and then click Edit<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n\n

Action menu of Symbology Data Filter<\/em> <\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n

Set the symbol and data pattern on the “Symbology Data Filter Editor” window.<\/p>\n\n\n

Symbology Data Filter Editor<\/em><\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n

Specify the barcode symbol.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Pattern(Regular Expression):<\/strong>
Specify the data pattern of the barcode data with a regular expression.
Press each button to the right of “Templates:” to insert the pattern template into the editor box.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Number value only: ^ [0-9] {8} $
Alphanumeric characters only: ^ [0-9a-zA-Z] {8} $
Number of characters: ^. {8} $
*In the case of 8 characters<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Regular expressions other than the above templates can be specified for the pattern.
ex) ^4[59][0-9]{11}$\uff1aJAN(13digits)<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Press the OK button to save the settings. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

To enable symbol settings, turn on \"\"(toggle switch) on the Symbol Settings screen.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To clear the Symbology setting, select Erase<\/strong> from the action menu. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

To clear all settings, on the SendKeys screen, click the \"\" “More” button in the upper right to display the menu. <\/p>\n\n\n

Action menu on the “Symbology Data Filter” screen<\/em> <\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n

Select Clear All<\/strong> from the action menu. <\/p>\n\n\n\n
